
MakeH.265WithHandbrake–StepbyStepGuide.ThistutorialassumesyouhaveanHDvideofilethatis1920×1080pixels.,ThefollowingvideocodecsareavailableforencodinginHandBrake.H.264(x264):H.264(IntelQSV):H.265(x265)MPEG-4(ffmpeg):MPEG-2(ffmpeg):VP9(libvpx ...,VideoCodecs·ThisisHandBrakesdefaultencoder.Itprovidesexcellentperformance,filesizesandquality.·Itiswidelysupportedbyplayersandmobile ...,x265willbesmalle...

A Handbrake Tutorial Using H265 Codec

Make H.265 With Handbrake – Step by Step Guide. This tutorial assumes you have an HD video file that is 1920×1080 pixels.

Video codecs

The following video codecs are available for encoding in HandBrake. H.264 (x264): H.264 (Intel QSV): H.265 (x265) MPEG-4 (ffmpeg): MPEG-2 (ffmpeg): VP9 (libvpx ...

HandBrake Documentation — Video Codecs

Video Codecs · This is HandBrakes default encoder. It provides excellent performance, filesizes and quality. · It is widely supported by players and mobile ...


x265 will be smaller than x264. Just be aware that when encoding an already encoded file, there will be additional loss of quality compared to ...

Using Handbrake for H.264 encoding

Handbrake is a free program that can make high quality H.264 and H.265 video. I use it to make all my tutorial videos as it can compress ...